Sunday, February 1, 2009

Before the Game

We're a little less than two hours from game time at Super Bowl XLIII, and there's not a heck of a lot to report at the moment.

I'm sitting in the media tent at Raymond James Stadium, and have just enjoyed a delectable early dinner of chili cheese dogs and chicken fingers. This should tell you everything you need to know about the NFL's attitude toward the media...they want us to die where we're sitting. Just kidding, they only want non-TV rightsholders to die where they're sitting.

I will soon be making my way to my seat, which if the past four Super Bowls I've covered are any indication, will be covered by a game program, complimentary boxed lunch/dinner, and a ton of other useless promotional garbage that will clutter the space from which I'm attempting to work. I know, "Whaaaaaaaaaa, I have to cover the Super Bowl for a living, woe is me". You're right, I'm too young and haven't endured nearly enough pay cuts to be this jaded. I am indeed grateful to be here, and am looking forward to an entertaining game.

And hey, even if the game stinks, I did get to hang out with boyhood idol Cal Ripken. Jr. at an otherwise empty Tampa bar last night. True story. See you after the game.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see the SUPER BOWL M.V.P. has a FELONY record. What a thing to show our young children. Have a felony record that's ok, the NFL will pay you to play the biggest game of your life! This was the worst officiated game I have ever seen. This was almost as bad as the MBA.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see the SUPER BOWL M.V.P. has a FELONY record. What a thing to show our young children. Have a felony record that's ok, the NFL will pay you to play the biggest game of your life! This was the worst officiated game I have ever seen. This was almost as bad as the MBA.